CS 246 - Object-Oriented Software Development

Who To Contact

Having trouble figuring out who to contact? Hopefully the following list will help you:

Question/Issue Who to Contact
Course Overrides For CS courses, only CS advisors can sign students into a CS course.
Course Access including late enrollment Course ISC proh@uwaterloo.ca
Marmoset/MarkUs issues Make a PUBLIC post on Piazza
Assignment clarifications (not asking about solutions) Make a PUBLIC post on Piazza or bring up during office hours
Assignment Solutions Please make a PRIVATE post on Piazza or bring up during office hours
Remark requests Course ISA cs246@uwaterloo.ca
Looking for extra one-on-one help outside of office hours Course ISA cs246@uwaterloo.ca, e-mail your Instructor if further help is required, please try to use regular office hours first if possible
Course material that does not involve assignments/quizzes/tests Make a PUBLIC post on Piazza or bring up during office hours
Questions about posted grades/current academic status in CS 246 Course ISC proh@uwaterloo.ca
Accommodations/Extensions due to illness or unforeseen circumstances Course ISC proh@uwaterloo.ca
Dealing with Incompletes (INCs) Course ISC proh@uwaterloo.ca
Issues dealing with Accessability Course ISC proh@uwaterloo.ca