CS 246 - Object-Oriented Software Development


Announcements and discussions of course material are hosted by Piazza. Please check Piazza regularly.

Using Piazza

Setting Up Your Piazza Account

You will receive an email invitation from Piazza at the start of the term. Follow the instructions on the email to register.
If you did not receive your invitation email, you should be able to enroll yourself using the link above.
If you are having trouble enrolling into Piazza for the course, please contact the course ISC from your Waterloo email address.
Note: Student e-mail addresses were changed in 2020 from @edu.uwaterloo.ca to @uwaterloo.ca. You may have to change your Piazza account to use your @uwaterloo.ca e-mail address instead of your old @edu.uwaterloo.ca address. Otherwise Piazza will drop you from the course Piazza page.

Using Piazza

To post a question on Piazza, click on "+ New Post" at the top of the page. You will have the option between posting a question and posting a note. Questions should be posted if an answer is expected, whereas notes should be posted if an answer is not expected but the content of the note is believed to be helpful to both the students and the instructors.

On every question posted on Piazza, there is a students' response box where you can answer other students' questions. Furthermore, if a student has already filled out the students' response box but could have included more information, you can edit their response to include the additional information.

If the student response is satisfactory but you still have questions relating to the original question, you can ask these questions in the followup discussions box.

Instructors and IAs will be checking Piazza regularly to answer student questions and to monitor student behaviour on Piazza. Please read the guidelines below to avoid committing any offence while using Piazza.

There may be a significant delay between when a question is posted, and when an Instructor or IA posts an answer. Please be patient. In many cases, other students may be able to answers your question more quickly.

Posting Guidelines

Here are some guidelines that you should keep in mind when posting messages.