CS 246 - Object-Oriented Software Development

Welcome to CS 246 for Spring 2023!

Contacting Course Staff

Please consult our "Who to Contact" page before contacting course staff. Some inquiries are best directed to specific course staff.


CS 246 will only be offered with in-person lectures for Spring 2023. Students are expected to attend all lectures. Tutorials are optional and will go over material covered in the lectures.

There will be NO online resources such as online course notes. Students are expected to attend all lectures and take notes. For students who have only taken classes online, this will be a very different (and probably difficult) experience to transition to. However, this is how CS 246 is normally administered.

We generally do NOT use LEARN for this course during an in-person term.

Office Hours and Discussion

The instructors and instructional support assistants (ISAs) will support you via office hours and the discussion forum on Piazza. If you have any quick questions, feel free to ask us on Piazza at any time (please read the Piazza page for further information). We will make an effort to answer you within one working day. Please remember that you must not publicly post any code snippets or anything that could suggest an assignment solution – make your post private if you need to ask a specific question. On the other hand, if you have any general question about the course, please make it public so other students may also see the answer.

The instructors and ISAs will hold weekly office hours. Please check office hours for details. If you have a complex question, please attend one of the scheduled hours for clarification. If the times do not work for you, please send an email to the ISA or the instructor of the section you are enrolled in and we can try to schedule a different time.

If you have any administrative questions such as course enrolment, account issues, documentation of illness, missed assignments, grades, etc., please contact the Instructional Support Coordinator, Patrick Roh.

For Students Considering Taking CS 246

This is a very intensive course that will take up a significant amount of your time. This is generally due to the significant adjustments students have to learn to make in how they approach the course material. Students who are not in the Faculty of Mathematics or who have weak programming skills may require even more time each week. Although many students find the workload of this course to be fairly high, the actual amount of time spent will vary widely from student to student. Those students who follow the advice given in lectures, and use the provided tools effectively (e.g., make, valgrind, gdb) generally complete their work much more quickly than those who don't. If you are considering taking CS 246, please take note of the time requirements and plan accordingly.