Moving in and out of CS135

CS135 → CS115 Transfer

CS135 can be a demanding course. If you are a 1A student, you may be able to transfer to CS115, the minor level version of the course. This must be done by the deadline - usually about 6 weeks into the term. CS115 covers the same general topics as CS135, but at a slightly slower pace and with less of an expectation of a strong math background.

For details about transferring to CS115, including deadlines, please see the 1A CS Course Rule .

Some important things to note from that page:

  • To discuss your CS135 progress, how you are doing, and whether transferring to CS115 may be a good idea, talk to your CS135 instructor during their office hours.
  • To discuss the consequences of transferring to CS115, such as how your course sequence or Coop may change, speak to your academic advisor.
  • To actually implement the transfer, communicate with the staff in the Math Undergraduate Office. The link, above, has helpful tips on that.

If you transfer to CS115, none of your marks from CS135 will transfer with you. The remaining assignments in CS115 will have their weights redistributed. Any work due in CS115 up to three days after your transfer will be excused.