CS 145: Designing Functional Programs (Advanced Version)

Regarding Cheating

Your mark in CS145 is determined by your assignment submissions as well as your examination marks. We encourage you to discuss ideas with your peers. However, all work submitted for credit must be entirely your own, except as specifically allowed in the assignment statement or by the instructor.

It is an academic offence to copy from any other student or any other source, whether the copying is done manually or automatically, and whether or not the copying is verbatim. In general, the rules of copyright will apply: If the work you submit could not have been created without reference to unauthorized works, it is cheating. Avoiding this sort of copying is easy: When you are preparing your assignments or exams, do not refer to any other solution, whether visually or electronically. Rearranging or otherwise altering the submitted work does not change the fact that it is copied.

It is an academic offense to knowingly allow others to copy your work. Do not leave your computer or your work unattended, do not share it on the web or social media, and do not show it to others.

It is an academic offence to allow others to submit work on your behalf, or to submit work on behalf of others. It is an academic offense to use someone else's Marmoset account, or to allow others to use your account. It is an academic offence to represent yourself as being another student, or to allow anyone else to represent themselves as being you.

It is an academic offence to try to obtain marks by compromising the grading system, by hacking, exploiting bugs, or by sharing Marmoset test cases, cheats, or other exploits. It is OK to share test cases that are composed independently, provided they are created without knowledge of the tests that Marmoset uses for grading.

It is important to understand that the assignments are designed to be accomplished individually, and that hundreds of students have done so. Because this is an advanced course, some assignment problems may be solved by only a small fraction of the class. This is to be expected, and it should not discourage you to find some questions difficult or even beyond your reach. You can still get a great mark in the course.

We will run plagiarism detection software as well as other checks for copied work. All "hits" will be investigated manually, and if there is sufficient evidence of cheating, disciplinary action will be taken under Policy 71.

Prior to 2020, no CS145 student had been prosecuted for cheating. Unfortunately, that changed in 2020, perhaps due to COVID and increased reliance on electronically submitted work. I hope that 2021 will see a return to the norm in this course, with cheating not an issue.

~ A message from Professor Cormack


Last modified on Tuesday, 07 September 2021, at 09:58 hours.