CS 145: Designing Functional Programs (Advanced Version)


Regular lecture attendance and note-taking are particularly important in CS 145.

The provided slides are not a substitute for attendance in any first-year CS course, but in CS 145, the slides will not be provided, and the lecture summaries made available after lecture are an even worse substitute for attendance.

Lectures will involve the development of ideas summarized very tersely in the handouts, as well as on-the-fly development of code, analyses, and proofs.

In Fall 2023, lectures are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1 hour and 20 minutes each. Students will be in one of the following two sections:

  • LEC 001: 10:00–11:20 AM in RCH 110
  • LEC 002: 11:30–12:50 PM in RCH 110

Tutorials are Fridays, 50 minutes each. Students will be in one of the following two sections:

  • TUT 101: 10:30–11:20 AM in MC 2035
  • TUT 102: 11:30–12:20 PM in MC 2035


Last modified on Monday, 04 September 2023, at 09:39 hours.