ForumsHistorically, CS courses in 1B and later have made use of USENET-style course newsgroups where students may post questions or comments and read answers or follow-ups. Many of these groups were exported to off-campus machines and were available on Google Groups. While there are many advantages to this mechanism, there are some disadvantages. Anyone can post under any name, and Google will archive all posts forever. CS 145 will not use newsgroups. Instead, it will use Piazza for questions directly relevant to the course (dealing with lectures, assignment questions, and exams). Everyone enrolled in the course at the start of lectures should have gotten an invitation email sent to their address; those who did not should email the ISAs ( You must be enrolled in the course to participate on Piazza, and you must sign up with your full name and address. Anyone not adhering to these guidelines will be unsubscribed. For those who wish more direct interaction, please note the instructor and ISA contact information on the Personnel page, including in-person office hours. Please send emails from your address.