george: User Manual

[ Introduction ] [ File Structure ] [ #check PROP ] [ #check PRED ] [ #check PREDTYPES ] [ #check TP ]
[ #check ND ] [ #check ST ] [ Arithmetic ] [ Sets ] [ #check Z ] [ #check PC ]
[ Contributions by Students ] [ Credits ] Keywords ]


Identifiers used in george must be of the form letter[letter|number|_]* [!?']?. In other words the identifier must be a letter followed by any number of letters and numbers and underscores. (The !?' characters have special meaning for Z identifiers.) Keywords below may not be used as identifiers.

The following is a list of george's keywords, which cannot be used in identifiers in propositional or predicate logic formulas or labels for proof lines:

The above are detected by the parser and can only be used in specific places in the grammar. "begin"/"end" are allowed as labels in proofs.

There are a number of other identifiers that george associated with specific types/functions:

And george recognizes only certain rules names for TP, ND, ST, and PC.