File Structure
#check PROP
#check PRED
#check TP
#check ND
#check ST
#check Z
#check PC
Contributions by Students
A Z specification consists of some type declarations and some schemas. Comments (// ...) can appear anywhere in the specification.
There are two kinds of type declarations. The first lists the generic types used in the specification. For example:
The second is the enumerated types used in the specification. For example,
Msg ::= Overdue | Missing Requests ::= Help | Information
Types cannot be used in expressions within the schemas.
Every schema has the form:
schema Name begin signature1 signature2 ... signaturen pred wff1 ;; wff2 ;; ... wffn ;; end
The signature part or the predicate part can be empty.
The predicate part contains well-formed formulas in predicate logic and set theory. Formulas are seperated by ";;". Every a formula must end with ";;".
A signature contains declarations, which can be of the following forms:
Schema Signature |
Name |
Delta Name |
Xi Name |
Name: Type |
Name?: Type |
Name!: Type |
The possible types used in a signature are:
Name | Syntax |
Natural Numbers | nat |
Power set | pow(Q) |
Relation | P <-> Q |
Total Function | P --> Q |
Total Injective (1-1) Function | P >--> Q |
Total Surjective (onto) Function | P -->> Q |
Total Bijective Function | P >-->> Q |
Non-total Function | P -|-> Q |
Non-total Injective (1-to-1) Function | P >-|-> Q |
Non-total Surjective (onto) Function | f: P -|->> Q |
Non-total Bijective Function | P >-|->> Q |
Here is an example of a Z specification in george for the voting example:
#u nday #a #check Z { People,CdnPCs,Ridings } Errors ::= TooYoung|NotCanadian schema Constants begin MinAge:nat Age:People --> nat PC:People -|-> CdnPCs Cdns:pow(People) Riding:CdnPCs -->> Ridings pred MinAge = 18;; end schema VotingSystem begin CandidateToRiding:People -|-> Ridings VotesForCandidate:People -|-> nat RegisteredVoters:Ridings --> pow(People) Voted:pow(People) pred // Candidates have to be in both relations dom(CandidateToRiding) = dom(VotesForCandidate);; // anyone who has voted has to be a registered Voter Voted sube gen_U(ran(RegisteredVoters));; // Candidates have to be Canadian dom(CandidateToRiding) sube Cdns;; // Registered Voters have to be Cdn gen_U(ran(RegisteredVoters)) sube Cdns;; // all voters have to be above minAge forall x . x in Voted => Age(x) >= MinAge;; // all candidates have to be above minAge forall x . x in dom(CandidateToRiding) => Age(x) >= MinAge;; end schema InitialVotingSystem begin VotingSystem pred CandidateToRiding = empty;; VotesForCandidate = empty;; // all ridings have empty sets of registered voters ran(RegisteredVoters) = {empty};; Voted = empty;; end schema AddCandidate begin Delta VotingSystem candidate?:People riding?:Ridings pred // pre: candidate is Canadian candidate? in Cdns;; // pre: candidate is above minAge Age(candidate?) > MinAge;; // pre: candidate lives in the riding (candidate?, riding?) in PC ; Riding;; // pre: not already a candidate !(candidate? in dom(CandidateToRiding));; // post: add the candidate to the list of candidates CandidateToRiding' = CandidateToRiding union {(candidate?, riding?)};; VotesForCandidate' = VotesForCandidate union {(candidate?, 0)};; RegisteredVoters' = RegisteredVoters;; Voted = Voted';; end schema RegisterVoter begin Delta VotingSystem voter?:People // riding is a local variable riding:Ridings pred // pre: voter is MinAge or over Age(voter?) >= MinAge;; // pre: voter is Canadian voter? in Cdns;; // pre: voter has a postal code voter? in dom(PC);; // figure out the riding of the voter; local var useful here (voter?, riding) in PC ; Riding;; // pre: voter has not already registered !(voter? in RegisteredVoters(riding));; // post conditions: RegisteredVoters' = RegisteredVoters (+) {(riding, RegisteredVoters(riding) union {voter?})};; CandidateToRiding' = CandidateToRiding;; VotesForCandidate' = VotesForCandidate;; Voted = Voted';; end schema Vote begin Delta VotingSystem voter?:People candidate?:People // local variable riding:Ridings pred // pre: hasn't voted already !(voter? in Voted);; // voter? has an address voter? in dom(PC);; // set the value of local var; voter must have an address for this pair to exist (voter?, riding) in PC ; Riding;; // pre: voter has registered voter? in RegisteredVoters(riding);; // pre: candidate they want to vote for is a candidate in this riding (candidate?, riding) in CandidateToRiding;; // post conditions: VotesForCandidate' = VotesForCandidate (+) {(candidate?, VotesForCandidate(candidate?) + 1)};; Voted' = Voted union {voter?};; CandidateToRiding' = CandidateToRiding;; RegisteredVoters' = RegisteredVoters;; end schema DetermineWinner begin Xi VotingSystem riding?:Ridings winners!:pow(People) // local variable candidates:pow(People) pred // could be a tie vote, so could have a set of winners candidates = dom(CandidateToRiding |> {riding?});; candidates != empty;; // post condition: winners! = { c if c in candidates & (forall d . d in candidates => VotesForCandidate(c) >= VotesForCandidate(d)) };; end schema RegisterVoterTooYoung begin Xi VotingSystem voter?:People error!:Errors pred // pre: Age(voter?) < MinAge;; // post: error! = TooYoung;; end schema RegisterVoterNotCanadian begin Xi VotingSystem voter?:People error!:Errors pred // pre: !(voter? in Cdns);; // post: error! = NotCanadian;; end