george: User Manual

[ Introduction ] [ File Structure ] [ #check PROP ] [ #check PRED ] [ #check PREDTYPES ] [ #check TP ]
[ #check ND ] [ #check ST ] [ Arithmetic ] [ Sets ] [ #check Z ] [ #check PC ]
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Transformational Proofs (#check TP)

Here is an example of the response to a question that requires a transformational proof for propositional logic:

#check TP

! (!r => (r & q)) <->  !r

1) ! (!r => (r & q))
2) ! (!!r | (r & q)) by impl
3) ! (r | (r & q)) by neg
4) ! r by simp2

After the directive (#check tp), george expects the first non-comment line to be the goal of the proof (a line that includes <->). Following this line should be a labelled sequence of proof steps, where each proof step is of the form:

n) formula by rule

The labels must be unique in the proof and can be alphanumeric, but cannot include ".".

The propositional logic rule names used for transformational proof are:

comm_assoc contr lem idemp
impl contrapos simp1 simp2
distr dm neg equiv

These are the same names as on your propositional logic transformational proof summary page .

The predicate logic rule names used for transformational proof are:

forall_over_and exists_over_or swap_vars move_exists move_forall dm (same name as for prop logic)

These are the same names as on your predicate logic transformational proof summary page .

Here is an example of a the response to a question that requires a transformational proof for predicate logic:

#check TP

! (forall x,y. exists z . P(x,y,z)) <-> exists y,x . forall z . !P(x,y,z)

1) !(forall x,y. exists z . P(x,y,z))
2) exists x . !(forall y. exists z . P(x,y,z))     by dm
3) exists x . exists y. !(exists z . P(x,y,z))     by dm
4) exists y,x . !(exists z . P(x,y,z))        by swap_vars
5) exists y,x . forall z . !P(x,y,z)          by dm

george supports one additional TP rule to allows you make progress on your proof: the ``magic'' rule. The magic rule allows you to conclude any formula at any step in the proof. For example, if you were unable to complete the subproof in the earlier example, you could do:

#check TP

! (!r => (r & q)) <->  !r

1) ! (!r => (r & q))
2) ! (!!r | (r & q)) by impl
3) ! (r | (r & q)) by magic
4) ! r by simp2
george will state an error that you have used the magic rule and give you feedback regarding whether the other proof steps are correct or not. Of course, the TAs will notice that you have used ``magic'' and you will not receive full marks for the question!

What does george check?

For transformational proof, george checks: