File Structure
#check PROP
#check PRED
#check TP
#check ND
#check ST
#check Z
#check PC
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Here is an example of the response to a question that requires a formalization in typed predicate logic:
#q 03 Formalize the sentence: Everyone who studies will pass SE212. #check PREDTYPES {Person, Course} SE212:Course studies: Person --> bool passes: Person prod Course --> bool forall x:Person. studies(x) => passes(x,SE212) /* where studies(x) means x studies passes(x,y) means x passes y */
george's syntax for predicate logic formulas as is described in #check PRED with the addition that every quantified variable must have a basic type (i.e., forall x:Person . etc).
Multiple formulas or an argument can be listed after the type environment and all will be checked within the same type environment.
Built-in types can be used, but ``univ'' is not allowed as the name of a basic type or within the types of a symbol because ``univ'' is the identifier we use for the set of all objects in untyped predicate logic.
The comments are necessary to inform the TAs of the meanings that you associate with each proposition letter.
For typed predicate logic formulas, george checks the first non-comment lines that follows the directive to make sure:
george does NOT check: