CS349 User Interfaces
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Your grade will be based on programming assignments, online quizzes, and a final exam.

  • Assignments (60%): There are four graded assignments, each worth 15% (4 x 15% = 60%). Assignments details, including specifications, due dates and assignment policies are on the Assignments and Policies page.

  • Quizzes (20%): There will be four quizzes, each worth 5% (4 x 5% = 20%). Quizzes consist of short-answer and multiple-choice questions, and are based on the slides and lecture material. More details are on the Quizzes and Policies pages.

  • Final Exam (20%): There will be a comprehensive in-person final exam, worth 20% of your grade. The date and time will be set by the registrar’s office later in the term.

Due dates are listed on the course schedule.

See the assignments and quizzes for late submission policies.