Reading Materials
Course Readings
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau
This is not a required text but it is a good source for readings on
material covered in class. The parts of this book are available online for
free, you can get an e-copy for about $10 or hard copies for a good price. The
links included below point to the individual chapters.
NOTE: Some of the API's used in this text are different from those used in
our class but it should usually be pretty easy to translate between the two.
Operating System Concepts, 8th edition
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne (John Wiley and Sons)
Lecture Notes
Lecture notes are required for this course. Solutions to the in-class exercises will only be provided in lecture. They are meant to supplement the lecture material and help provide concrete examples of how key ideas work.
Note: The columns "Silberschatz" and "Three Easy Pieces" in the table
above refer to chapters from the suggested textbooks.
Extra Readings / Notes
A Collection of Tutorials and Useful Information